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Homeless students identified through DPSCD
of Detroiters live
beneath the poverty line
1 in 5
homeless Detroit youths victims of human trafficking
Since 1972, we've opened our doors to more than 1.5 million young people experiencing homelessness and survivors of human trafficking. Every young person at Covenant House receives a warm bed, food, health and wellness services, a case manager, and, most important of all, unconditional love and absolute respect.

4 Million+ Young People Experience Homelessness Each Year

Detroit Phoenix Center
is a nonprofit organization that responds to the needs of underserved and street-connected youth in Detroit. We support young people, ages 12-24, through direct services including a daily drop-in center for young adults , afterschool enrichment programs for teens, youth action board, emergency crisis housing, and a scholarship fund. Detroit Phoenix Center also works diligently for systemic change and contributes to the growing movement to end youth homelessness & proverty.
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